Legal disclosure
FOCUS Spedition GmbH
Leerkämpe 8 B 28259 Bremen
Po. Box 66 02 40 28242 Bremen
Fon: +49 – 421-56530-0
Fax.: +49 – 421-56530-30
Managing Director: M. Pozorski
Trade Register Bremen HRB 29928
Liability limitation:
Liability limitation: The content of this website was created with the maximum possible accurateness. Nevertheless, the provider does not guarantee the rightness, completeness and topicality of the provided contents. The use of available contents occur at the users own risk. Especially marked postings reflect the opinion of the author but do not equally reflect the opinion of the provider. With the pure use of the provider’s website, no contractual relationship between user and provider comes off.
External links:
External links: This website contains shortcuts to websites of third parties (“external links”). These websites are underlying the accountability of the particular operators. The provider checked external content, during the first linkage with external links, in terms of legal violations. By the time there were no evident legal violations. A permanent control of external links, without concrete form of evidence, is for the provider not reasonable. In case of knowledge of legal violations, affected external links will be deleted immediately.
Copyright and ancillary copyright
The released contents on this website are liable to the German copy right and ancillary copyright. Any, not from the German copy right and ancillary copyright accredited utilization, require a previous written approval of the provider or respective holder of rights. An unauthorized duplication or reproduction of individual contents or entire sides is not permitted and accusable. Merely, the fabrication of copies and downloads for the individual, private and not commercial purpose is admissible. The representation of this website within external frames is only allowed with a written permission.